南希德鲁:塞勒姆午夜Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem Mac版 冒险解谜游戏 v1.3

南希德鲁:塞勒姆午夜Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem Mac版 冒险解谜游戏 v1.3


游戏介绍 Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem 是Mac系统上一款冒险解谜游戏,这款游戏是著名的探险游戏系列《南希·德鲁》的第33款游戏。在游戏中,玩家将扮演南希·德鲁,探索塞勒姆...


Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem 是Mac系统上一款冒险解谜游戏,这款游戏是著名的探险游戏系列《南希·德鲁》的第33款游戏。在游戏中,玩家将扮演南希·德鲁,探索塞勒姆小镇,调查一系列神秘事件。Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem破解版在图形和声音方面都表现得非常出色,游戏的故事情节也非常引人入胜。游戏中有很多谜题需要解决,玩家需要通过观察和收集线索来解决它们。如果您喜欢解谜游戏和探险游戏,那么Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem for 能会很有趣。

Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem 游戏设定

《塞勒姆午夜》是一款全新的 3D 神秘冒险游戏,主角是侦探南希·德鲁。扮演 Nancy Drew 的角色,你将踏入一个充满危险、阴谋和复杂关系的故事,同时收集解开谜团的线索。
调查一系列罪行,包括谁应对塞勒姆一处历史建筑的纵火事件负责。审讯嫌疑人,侦探线索,并解决新的 3D 谜题,所有这些都是为了解开谜团。你将面对可怕的闹鬼事件,探索令人不安的古老墓地,面临充满挑战的逃亡,并深入探究历史悠久的塞勒姆女巫审判的后裔之间的关系,他们的生活卷入了犯罪之中。

南希的信念受到考验。鬼魂是真的吗?塞勒姆的黑历史重现了吗,还是另有其人可言?时间紧迫,而你作为南希·德鲁,必须在这场全新的 3D 神秘冒险中,在午夜钟声敲响前找到答案。

Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem 游戏玩法

• 扮演著名侦探南希·德鲁(Nancy Drew)的角色
• 检查和分析 3D 物体
• 与哈迪男孩组队
• 与所有 11 个角色互动
• 超过 15 小时的解谜游戏
• 了解并揭开历史塞勒姆女巫审判的真相
• 探索 3D 环境
• 发现并解决被指控女巫的困境
• 参观塞勒姆并从中辨别事实小说
• 解决故事中的谜题
• 享受激动人心的游戏过场动画
• 烹制新英格兰最受欢迎的菜肴,如约翰尼蛋糕
• 探索古老的墓地和历史庄园
• 使用更新和现代化的控件进行调查
• 混合药水并了解古代疗法
• 解决多个问题包括纵火在内的犯罪
• 业余或大师级别的侦探并获得成就


Midnight in Salem is the new 3D mystery adventure game with detective Nancy Drew. Assuming the role of Nancy Drew, you will step into a story filled with danger, intrigue, and complicated relationships as you gather clues to solve the mystery.
Investigate a series of crimes including who is responsible for the arson at a historic estate in Salem. Interrogate suspects, sleuth for clues, and tackle new 3D puzzles all to solve the mystery. You will face frightful hauntings, explore unnerving old cemeteries, face challenging escapes, and delve into the relationships among the descendants of the historic Salem Witch Trials whose lives become embroiled in the crimes.
The Mystery
Nancy Drew unexpectedly finds herself in Salem, Massachusetts, investigating an arson at the haunted Hathorne House. Joined by the Hardy Boys, Nancy races to uncover the truth behind the arson. She discovers connections to the house’s past with the Salem Witch Trials and finds herself drawn into a struggle with supernatural events that she simply can’t explain.
Nancy’s convictions are put to the test. Are the ghosts real? Has Salem’s dark history come to life, or is there someone else to blame? Time is short, and you, as Nancy Drew, must find the answers before the clock strikes midnight in this all-new 3D mystery adventure.
Key Game Features:
• Assume the role of famous detective Nancy Drew
• Inspect and analyze 3D objects
• Team up with the Hardy Boys
• Interact with all 11 characters
• 15+ hours of puzzle filled gameplay
• Learn and uncover the truth about the historical Salem Witch Trials
• Explore 3D environments
• Discover and solve the plight of the accused witches
• Take a tour of Salem and discern fact from fiction
• Solve puzzles embedded into the story
• Enjoy thrilling in-game cutscenes
• Cook New England favorite dishes like Johnny Cakes
• Explore an ancient cemetery and historic estate
• Investigate with updated and modernized controls
• Mix potions and learn about ancient remedies
• Solve multiple crimes including arson
• Sleuth at Amateur or Master level and earn achievements




Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma|macOS 10.11或更高



macOS 冒险 游戏 系统 解谜


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1.3 英文 2024-08-29 3.2GB
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